Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Bruce Pit

 January 28, 2025

In preparation for Thursdays JC Birding, Bill headed over to the Bruce Pit to look for the Great Gray Owl that has set up shop there. He could not find it on or beside the lake, so tried the path to the north. He came upon a group of photographers from Norway that had found the owl.

Bill went home and convinced Barbara & Grant to go over with him.  When they arrived, it was obvious from the group of photographers, that the target had started hunting and was moving around.  This gave us several opportunities for further photos.

1 comment:

  1. When birding for owls it's important to be mindful about posting locations. Ethical birding rules state to not ambush owls as they are very high stress birds. Great Grey Owls migrate to this area for food and the public has a tendency to mob owls for pictures which can stress out the bird and make them flee from a potential hunting ground. Please if you are going to see this owl I recommend not going in a group and certainly don't go close to it or speak loudly.
