We met at Tim Horton’s on Hunt Club – Russell, Heather, Sally, Tony & me.
We drove to Bowesville Road. We saw a Baltimore Oriole from the parking area and also heard a Common Yellowthroat.
We started down the trail and I commented on the huge bunch of Lilacs. Tony said it was thrasher territory. No sooner had he said it than Sally spotted a Brown Thrasher.

I got some photos of the Vesper Sparrow before it got chased off by an American Goldfinch.

We saw a Chestnut-sided Warbler. Then Sally played her tape and a Grasshopper Sparrow popped out. We also had good looks at a Clay-colored Sparrow.

Back at the cars, we saw a pair of Eastern Bluebirds on a wire.
We drove to Britannia to look for a reported Little Gull. We scanned the bottom of the rapids area, but could not spot it. We did see a Red-necked Grebe and several Double-crested Cormorants and some Common Terns.
Tony heard a Scarlet Tanager, so we went down the trail behind the Filtration Plant and were able to see it.

Heading down towards the Parkway, we saw a Red-eyed Vireo and a Warbling Vireo and several Yellow Warblers. We also saw a Northern Cardinal and a Gray Catbird.