Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Gatineau Escarpment with JC Birding

March 21, 2017

Jane was in South America, so we had just Connie and Barb C with us today.  We had high hopes for raptors along the Steele Line, but had to settle for a distant Red-tailed Hawk.  We got some feeder birds along the Eardley Masham Road, and a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers on Steele.  We finished our day at Deschênes Rapids checking out the gull colony.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Hilda Feeders

March 20, 2017

There were early Red-winged Blackbirds at the feeders as well as the usual suspects.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Bluebird Search

March 19, 2017

We went to Maxwell Bridge Road in Kanata to look for a reported Eastern Bluebird.  No luck!  But we got a nice view of some Cedar Waxwings and later a Red-tailed Hawk.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Britannia Ridge

March 17, 2017

The ice is starting to let go, and the American Black Ducks are taking full advantage.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

More Snowys

February 28, 2017

Lucky Jane got a Gyrfalcon on Rushmore Road on the 27th.  So after finishing our shopping at Costco, we drove over for a look.  Not surprisingly, several others were on the lookout too.  But we were all disappointed.  We had to make do with four Snowy Owls, one on Rushmore, one on Fallowfield, and two flying across Eagleson.

An Early Kingfisher

February 26, 2017

We went chasing a report of Greater White-fronted Geese on Eagleson near Hope Side Road in the storm water ponds.  Alas, we were not the only ones to be disappointed.  But a belted Kingfisher put on a good show for us.  In the back of the ponds, there was a small group of Hooded Mergansers.