December 16, 2018
The 100th Ottawa-Gatineau
Christmas Bird Count took place on
Sunday,December 16, 2018. A total
of 75 species were reported (average
count 72 species).
Highlights included
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (2nd record) and Rose-breasted
Grosbeak (4th record). It was a
pleasant day weather wise with an overnight
low of -5c and a daylight high of
+2c. With only a few centimeters of snow
left on the ground the overall
coverage was good. The Ottawa and Rideau
Rivers were still mainly open but
since the deep freeze during the latter
part of November, a number of
waterbirds were absent and late lingering
land birds disappeared.
Fortunately most species of winter finches were
found in varying numbers.
Other notable species included 4
Barrow's Goldeneye, 3 Belted Kingfisher, 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker, 1 Winter
Wren, and 1 Swamp Sparrow.
There were a number of species
missed including Gray Partridge, Great
Horned Owl, and Northern Flicker.
I'd like to thank the
co-compilers, Bernie Ladouceur and Daniel Toussaint,
the sector leaders Quebec side:
Aylmer: Rod Dubois, Hull:Daniel St.
Hilaire, Ontario side: Britannia:
Bruce Di Labio, Ottawa: Aaron Hywarren,
and Gloucester: Bernie Ladouceur
and feeder coordinator Lorraine Elworthy.
Finally, on behalf of the Ottawa Field
Naturalist Club I'd like to thank
the Club des ornithologues de
I'Outaouais for organizing the amazing dinner
and celebration of both the 100th
Ottawa CBC and their club's 40th
It was a great time!
Merry Christmas,
Bruce Di Labio
Bruce Di Labio
P.O.Box 538
K0A 1L0