Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Fletcher Wildlife Garden, Arboretum and Strathcona Park with JC Birding

 December 13, 2022


 Birding Report by Jane Burgess

We met at Fletcher Wildlife Garden at 8:00.  Barbara wanted to check the woods for owls, we thoroughly checked the woods, but came up empty handed.  But we did see 4 or 5 House Finch high up in the coniferous trees along with some American Robins. A Pileated Woodpecker was seen working a tree with dense bush around it, no photos were possible unfortunately.  At the back feeder the Black-capped Chickadees were flying back and forth to the feeder.  It was very cold and I think everyone's  toes and fingers were numb, so we went back to the vehicles to warm up.  Eleanor left us at this time, she had work to do.  

The feeder at the front was busy enough - more Black-capped Chickadees, Northern Cardinals, White-breasted Nuthatches and then a Red-breasted Nuthatch flew in.  Ken spotted a bird in the tree next to the building -- a White-throated Sparrow, late for this bird to be around.  Then a lone Dark-eyed Junco flew in.  Ken walked down the hill to see if there was any activity - nope, very quiet.

We drove over to the Arboretum to check out Dows Lake, most of the water was frozen.  Our only reward was a single Herring Gull.

Off to Strathcona park, closer to Rockcliffe Park.  Our fingers and toes got a chance to get warm again.  There we saw lots and lots of Mallards with 2 Canada Geese in the flock.   We saw a good number of Common Goldeneye, but no Barrow's.  We saw a juvenile Ring-billed Gull, guess it did not know it was time it had gone to warmer places.

We had lunch in the parking lot after Ken, Barbara and Bill had spoken with the local RCMP who patrols the area.  Bill was the first to notice a Ukraine flag being carried by a man, then a few more people joined in.  A small protest in front of a building, which was not the Russian embassy.  I wanted Barbara to take photos, but she and Bill thought better not to, so none were taken.

Over to Donald street, we walked toward the footbridge.  We saw Common Mergansers as well as a male Hooded Merganser in with all the Common Goldeneye, but no Barrow's Goldeneye.  A Common Raven flew by calling, then it was joined by American Crows harassing it.  There was a huge flock of European Starlings in trees as we approached the footbridge, at the bridge still no Barrow's.  Walking back, Barbara suggested we continue on past where we had parked the cars because we had not checked out that part of the river.  Barbara and I walked while Ken and Bill moved the vehicles.  Barbara and I checked every Goldeneye, but they were all Common.  Barbara said to me wouldn't it be nice if we found it. Barbara went to take a photo and her batteries had died so off she went to change her batteries at a nearby park bench.  We both got phone calls, yes Bill and Ken had found the Barrow's.  Off we went to join them.  The bird was on the other side of the ride nearer the shore, oh why hadn't we gone there?  We did not, so photos were taken from the side we were on.  We followed the bird and took more photos.  Finally we decided it was time to go home, oh no Barbara was missing a mitten, probably left it at the bench, nope, she and Bill retraced her steps and yes it was found.  Meantime Ken and I were conducting a financial exchange -- mmm doesn't that sound interesting.  Enough said.

Thank goodness the weather had warmed up, so no complaints about the weather after getting to Strathcona. Home shortly after 3:00 and we got our target bird - Barrow's Goldeneye.  24 species are not bad for a cold winter day.  

Bill, Barbara, Eleanor and I  will be participating in the ONRI CBC (Richmond, Munster, Manotick and Stittsville Christmas Bird Count) on Saturday December 17, let's hope the roads will be cleared after our big predicted snowfall Thursday night and Friday.


Species Noted
  1. Wild Turkey
  2. American Crow
  3. Black-capped Chickadee
  4. House Finch
  5. Pileated Woodpecker
  6. Downy Woodpecker
  7. Northern Cardinal
  8. American Robin
  9. Mourning Dove
  10. Red-breasted Nuthatch
  11. White-breasted Nuthatch
  12. Dark-eyed Junco
  13. White-throated Sparrow
  14. Herring Gull
  15. Rock Pigeon
  16. Common Goldeneye
  17. Mallard
  18. Ring-billed Gull
  19. Canada Goose
  20. European Starling
  21. Common Raven
  22. Common Merganser
  23. Hooded Merganser
  24. Barrow's Goldeneye

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