Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ottawa West with Tony Beck

Thursday, Nov 26, 8:00 am. Ottawa Beach, Andrew Haydon Park

Today Rick joined Tony and me. Tony wanted to see where I had found the Peregrine Falcon, and, indeed, the evidence was still there in the form of the remains of the gull.
We saw two Blue-morph Snow Geese swimming aound with the Canadas. Then Rick saw the Cackling Geese. Indeed, there were seven of them swimming together. We hiked over to the main ponds of Andrew Haydon Park, and saw three White-winged Scoters and a Surf Scoter out on the river along with lots of Common Goldeneye. We even saw one of the Blue-morhp Snow Geese swimming over our way. There were a couple of Red-breasted Mergansers over by the docks at Dick Bell Park.
I saw a couple of Greater Scaup quite far out, and there were several Lesser Scaup in the ponds.
We moved to Shirley’s Bay and met Wilson Hum. There was an adult Bald Eagle perched in a tree along the dyke, and a Common Loon in winter plumage on the river.
We made a stop at Hilda Road feeder and met the guy who fills them. There were several Red-winged Blackbirds in the tree beside the feeder, and a few Blue Jays and a Hairy Woodpecker came and went. We drove down Eagleson Road and spotted a Dark-morph Rough Legged Hawk perched by the road. We turned down Brownlee and scoped a Red-tailed Hawk. We made the loop back to Eagleson and spotted a light-morph Rough-legged Hawk. We moved on to Burnside Pit on Moodie Drive. We had one Common Merganser and many Hooded Mergansers. We were able to see two Glaucous Gulls and lots of Greater Black-backed, Herrin and Ring-billed Gulls. We went over to the dump and found another Glaucous Gull and a Thayers Gull. Tony was really pleased about the latter!

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