July 8, 2010 10 am
Another very hot day. There were mother Wood Ducks with their ducklings all over the place. There were also quite a few Ruddy Ducks and a singles of American Coot and Common Moorhen. An American Bittern called briefly from the back cells.
There were several Lesser Yellowlegs, a Kildeer, a bunch of Least Sandpipers on the mud flats. I used the scope attachment with my Nikon to take photos, but the results were less than brilliant. I think I can do better with the regular 400mm and cropping.

Another very hot day. There were mother Wood Ducks with their ducklings all over the place. There were also quite a few Ruddy Ducks and a singles of American Coot and Common Moorhen. An American Bittern called briefly from the back cells.

There were several Lesser Yellowlegs, a Kildeer, a bunch of Least Sandpipers on the mud flats. I used the scope attachment with my Nikon to take photos, but the results were less than brilliant. I think I can do better with the regular 400mm and cropping.

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