Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Petrie Island and Mer Bleue with Craig & Pamela

August 29, 2018

We headed out early to Petrie Island to avoid much of the rush hour traffic.  So it was dim when we arrived, and there were few birds to be seen. Barbara spotted the bid of the day, a young Common Gallinule tucked into the south corner of the east bay.  A Great Blue Heron was fishing in the middle, later replaced by a Green Heron.  We briefly saw a Swamp Sparrow too and a Belted Kingfisher did a fly over..  We hiked the trail but saw little until the end when we spotted an American Redstart.

We decided to go to the Mer Bleue boardwalk, but my memory on the shortcut was faulty, and we went roundabout. It was an enjoyable walk, but we saw little.  Craig and I had a muskrat pop up at our feet, but it vanished before we could lift a camera.

Back home on the deck, we were having supper when Pamela noticed a Ruby-throated Hummingbird at our Bee Balm.  It was the only one we had seen at our place all year, and it was a one-day wonder.

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