Friday, November 13, 2020

Red-belied Woodpecker YES!

 November 13 2020

Finally a winning strategy.  Barbara started on Howe St. at the back of Britannia Conservation Area and Bill drove around to the front on Cassels Rd.  They worked towards each other.  Bill saw nothing significant until he reached the fence line at Rowatt.St.  There was movement in a tree in the backyard of an adjacent house; it was the long-sought Red-bellied Woodpecker!

It did not stick long, and headed towards the houses near the river.  Bill quickly phone Barbara with the big news.  She was on woodpeckers of her own, the common ones.

She hurried up to join Bill, who went down Rowatt to the corner of Bradford St.  They patrolled the roads and saw some birds, but not the target.

So they headed back to Rowatt, and at the corner of Britannia Rd, the Red-bellied Woodpecker made another brief appearance.

It vanished again, and could not be re-found this time.  So they retraced their steps to Cassels and Howe in the hopes of another sighting.  It was not to be, but there was lots of bird activity.

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