Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Lemieux Island and Mud Lake

 April 4, 2023

Reports on eBird show that Black-crowned Night-Herons have returned to their traditional roost on Ile  Young, viewed from the Lemieux Island Water Purification plant. They are difficult to see at best, but the shrubs in the foreground make scoping from the side necessary.

After that, we headed to Mud Lake to look for an Eastern Screech Owl.  We parked at Rowat and headed straight down to the main path to check known roost sites.  We did not see the owl, but some common birds followed us.

Barbara wanted to go to the river edge, while Bill wanted to keep looking for owls. So they split up. She went north, while he went south then west.  Bill heard then saw a Pileated Woodpecker, while Barbara got a Downy.

Bill saw 2 Wild Turkeys at the side of the trail.  Aware of recent reports of aggressiveness, he went quietly by them.  Suddenly, the tom made a sneak attack from behind, and scratched him on the butt with his sharp spur, tearing his pants.  It was a shock, but the tom withdrew and caused no further issues.

The Screech Owl did not cooperate, so Bill headed to the car and drove around to meet Barbara.  Meanwhile, she had good luck with a Northern Cardinal and a Wood Duck.

Reunited, they checked the channel across from the ridge.  Common Goldeneyes were the only species noted. 

It was an interesting outing except for the turkey attack.

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