Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Cottage Birding Hikes

June 2-3, 2020

We went to the Little Cedar boat launch, crossed the Jean Lapointe Bridge, and hiked the shortest loop.  There were few good birds, but lots of mosquitoes.  The loop was rerouted through a swamp for some reason, and took longer than expected. When we got back to the bridge, Bill spotted a woodpecker and snapped a photo.  When he enlarged it, he saw that it was a new bird for the cottage, an American Three-toed Woodpecker.

The next day we decided to check on the heronry with a stop at Heafy’s Lake, The lake is now flooded and the road/trail underwater. All of the picnic shelters and warming huts etc. have been torn down and the debris piled at the top of the hill.  Vandals had spoiled it for everyone.  We carried on the road, stopping at a low point where there was a large wetland.  We heard warblers and Barbara was able to photograph a Northern Parula.

 At the heronry, there were no herons on the nests, but one adult was perched briefly at the back on a tall tree.  We crossed the creek and hiked down the road that was made a few years ago. A persistent singer revealed itself – a Chestnut-sided Warbler.

We drove on to the small community where a pond lies far below.  There were many Barn Swallows swooping about catching flies above the water. We had no luck with Bobolinks this time, so started back. At the heronry, there was one adult on a nest and we think a youngster peering over the nest.  But when we go out of the car, the adult flew off and the baby hunkered down so it could no longer be seen.

Nearby, we had a Red-eyed Vireo and a small group of Cedar Waxwings.

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