Friday, September 11, 2020

Andrew Haydon Park

September 11, 2020

The afternoon was really pleasant, so after Bill's physio treatment we headed out for a short trip to Andrew Haydon.  But first we stopped at Foster's to buy some veggies.  While waiting to order, Barbara spotted a Red-tailed Hawk across the field.

We parked at the Sailing Club and walked along the fence. We spotted a bird in the spruce trees, but it was back lit and impossible to identify.  However a photoshopped photo showed us it was a Palm Warbler.  We also saw some Blue Jays and a juvenile Cedar Waxwing.

As usual, a Great Egret was hanging out on the mud flat.

Then a surprise. The egret flew across to the shore and spooked a Great Blue Heron, that chased the egret angrily.

We checked the pond.  There were two young Hooded Mergansers and two Blue-winged Teals.

We walked to the east end of the park, then on the way back saw 4 or 5 small birds among the rocks along the shore - Palm Warblers.

We were on the lookout for Nelson's Sparrows, but we only saw a Song Sparrow.

We saw a male Wood Duck transitioning out of eclipse plumage, and more Blue-winged Teals.

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