Sunday, September 27, 2020

Pomarine Jaeger and Warbler Bonanza

 September 27, 2020

Three had been reports of a Pomarine Jaeger off Andrew Haydon Park while we were at the Non OFO Convention in Peterborough

So we went to the east side of AHP, but could find no sign of it.

So we packed up and went to look at Britannia Point. No sign there either, but a couple of herons were present.

Fortunately for us, a young guy came by and told us that there were lots of warblers just behind us in the shrubs by the river.  He wasn't kidding.  We got Blackpoll, Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green, Magnolia, Nashville, Northern Parula, Palm, and of course, Yellow-rumped.

In addition, we got Blue-headed Vireo, Red-eyed Vireo, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and White-throated Sparrow.

And up on the ridge, we got a Belted Kingfisher, Gray Catbird and White-breasted Nuthatch.

To top if off, we got a RBA that the jaeger was back at AHP, so off we went.  We just got set up when we saw it flying by in the distance, then land on the river.

These are not great photos, but we had good scope views.

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